Voxel AI

Stop injuries before they happen!

Lightly helped Voxel AI cut their customer onboarding time in half.


Voxel AI teaches AI-powered security cameras to detect hazards and inefficiencies in real time. This allows customers to build a proactive safety culture and eliminate near-misses with the ultimate site visibility platform. Voxel’s deep learning-based systems detect various use cases: ergonomics, environment, vehicles, PPE, and operations. For customers,Voxel’s solution does not only offer more security to employees but also financial benefits for the employer by preventing accidents, injuries and alike. Over the past years, the company out of the bay area has matured to one of the world’s leading providers of such systems.

A glimpse into Voxels' safety solution


Voxel’s solution must perform on various sites worldwide. Before launch, sample video data is collected from site cameras over a short period of time. But training the AI model based on full recordings of video feeds is neither an efficient nor optimal solution.

For Voxel, it was crucial to find a solution for the following issues:

  • Selection: Voxel was looking at hundreds of hours of unlabeled data without an in-house solution to select intelligently or based on their criteria
  • Efficiency: The onboarding of new customers was time-intensive, so the need for an end-to-end data curation solution was immense.

Voxel was looking for a way to improve the speed of their customer deployments and allow customers to start using their platform quickly by minimizing the amount of time required to train its model. Accordingly, they needed to find an efficient way to select the most interesting data to annotate the most relevant images.

Scalable and Efficient Data Curation using Lightly

Lightly selects Voxel’s most relevant unlabeled data, utilizing its self-supervised learning framework. This allows Voxel to train its model for each customer more quickly while achieving even higher performance.

Lightly’s active learning feature and multi-factor querying functionality enhanced Voxel’s solutions performance. The integration of Lightly’s labeling tool supported Voxel in streamlining theirMLOps pipeline, increasing efficiency.


In a nutshell, Voxel was able to (1) select the right data to train the model faster and better, (2) learn more about what additional data would enhance model performance, and (3) use this insight to increase their model performance. Thus allowing them to:

  • process over 50M images and done over 20 runs within six months using Lightly.
  • reduce the retraining process time by 50%
  • double their customer onboarding speed.
  • improve their model accuracy by 10%
Client review

“Lightly enabled us to improve our ML data pipeline in all regards: Selection, Efficiency, and Functionality. This allowed us to cut customer onboarding time by 50% while achieving better model performance.”

Harishma Dayanidhi

Co-Founder/ VP of Engineering







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